Designed to make buying simpler

Easy to use CRM solution that helps you to buy cheaper than your competition and manage your purchases

14-day Full access. No credit card required.

Integrate with the tools you use with just a few clicks

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Stay on top of your purchases

Create custom purchasing workflows and track your deals on a visual board. Get color-coded notifications on deals that need your attention to keep them moving

Manage purchase quotes

Track all purchase quotes and never leave money on the table. Find the best quote for your next purchase. Automate quote data entry

Uncover problems

Find out if your supplier is receiving more quality complaints than normal or experiencing shipment delays. Get this information before you close a deal

Sell more through Teamwork

Improve productivity by providing your team with the right tools for collaboration. Assign tasks, schedule meetings, and sync your Outlook or Google Workspace

Mobile & Tablet Access

Get the same experience in your desktop, mobile and tablet

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Available in 5 languages

Available in English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Enhanced Privacy and Security

GDPR and PIPEDA compliant. Hosted in state-of-the-art Microsoft Azure data centers

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Free Customer Support

Free customer support for any question you may have

Improve supplier relationships

Build better supplier relationships. Automatically link emails to contacts and track conversations, and tasks in a timeline view

Buy better with your CRM


Average return for every dollar spent on CRM


Improvement in customer retention rate


Increase in sales team productivity


Average return for every dollar spent on CRM


Improvement in customer retention rate


Increase in sales team productivity

Experience hassle-free trading

14-day Free trial. Full access. No credit card required.